Growing as a Christian at Grace means coming as you are, but not staying as you are…
God accepts us with our brokenness, but He calls us to grow more like Jesus. As we immerse ourselves in the life of the church, we are given opportunities to serve others, reflect Christ’s love, and use our unique gifts.
On this page you will find some of the ways you can do this at Grace.
We want people to connect relationally and grow spiritually. Grace is a growing church and our desire is that people build meaningful relationships of support and encouragement. Our weekly homegroups are central to this.
We help each other know Jesus more by praying, reading the Bible and discussing life together – as we support each other in the ordinary and extraordinary aspects of our lives.
We make Jesus known by finding ways to serve our local communities, places of education or work and the wider town by sharing the gospel and helping practically.
Our evening homegroups meet on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, typically from 8-9:30pm, in the comfort of someone's home.
Additionally, we have a number of day groups, held in different locations across the town. These groups provide opportunities for fellowship, Bible study, and spiritual growth.
In a homegroup, you can expect a welcoming environment for prayer, sharing, and connecting with others.
These groups offer care and support, as well as opportunities for fellowship, Bible study, and spiritual growth. Together, we grow in faith and encourage one another in our walk with Christ.
We would love for you to try out one of our homegroups!
It’s a great way to connect with others, grow in your faith, and find support through prayer and fellowship. Whether you're new or looking for deeper community, there's a place for you here.
Contact Jon Putt via the button below and he will give you some options for a day/location that will work best for you.
Got a question about homegroups, or would like to get involved? Speak to Jon Putt.
We’re seeking to build a community where people are passionate about Knowing Jesus and making Him known, with courage, compassion and commitment.
Becoming a Christian for the first time brings each of us into a new family relationship with brothers and sisters who also love and follow the Lord Jesus Christ. We recognise that increasingly people moving to Grace from different church experiences and expressions may hold differing views on membership, but throughout the New Testament we see that to be a Christian is to belong as a member of this new community, the church.
Our ‘Getting Connected’ course will outline what ‘Knowing Jesus and Making Him known’ looks like!
After the course, you should know what it means to be part of this church; be excited by what God’s mission is for us, share our expectations for the Christian life together, and be convinced of why it matters.
For those who have recently become Christians or those of you who have never had the opportunity to be baptised before, we’d love to talk to you about taking that step of obedience and faith in the Lord Jesus, following His great example and going public with your faith in baptism.
And for those of you who have been baptised previously and in membership of other churches, we’d love to invite you to join us on mission for Jesus as we seek to know him and make him known.
We believe that baptism is given to us by Christ and is a response to the direct command of the Lord Jesus himself. Being dipped under the water is symbolic and identifies us all with Christ in his death, burial and resurrection.
As we don’t have access to our own building with a pool, we hold special services a couple of times a year and either set up a temporary pool outside in the park when the weather is a bit warmer, or use a local school’s hydrotherapy pool. Either way, celebrating baptism is the highlight of our calendar and we look forward eagerly to the next one!If you’ve been baptised by immersion as a believer previously then we would not expect you to be re-baptised in order to join this church! We would find a spot either in our Sunday services or Thursday evening meetings for you to make your membership promises.
Either way, membership of a local church matters! We recognise that other churches may do things slightly differently and some have no formal membership structure at all, you become a member by attending church. We try to remain faithful to the teaching of the New Testament and what we see modelled in it’s pages - that there is no such thing as a lone-ranger Christian, rather we should all be wholly committed to one another within a local church - longing for a measure of what the early church enjoyed in Acts 2:42-47.
Been a member a few months - or a few decades...?
Why not sign up to our consolidate course for a refresher of our membership promises and a review of how you can serve God with your 'time, talents and treasure' here at Grace.
Why not watch the ‘Getting Connected’ video course here
Hi I’m Simon and I would love to talk to you further about church membership and our various Getting Connected courses.
General Resources
Visit our resources area of our site to find a wide selection of recommended resources to help and encourage you as you grow in your faith.
If you need further support or are looking for resources not covered here, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.