
The Care Team are here to support you, when life gets tricky.

Whether it’s help through a bereavement, relationship challenges, mental or physical ill-health, financial struggles, or family issues - we are here for anyone in the church family.

Hi my name is Jon and I oversee Care Teams here at Grace.

Please reach out to myself or another member of the team and we will help you access the care and support you need.

Care Team Leads

Care Team Leads •

Hugh Minty

Safeguarding Lead

Julia Bailey-Paul

Liz (Biddy) Bartlett

Care Team Lead

Care Team Lead and Womens’ worker

Hazel Davies

Becky White


Safeguarding Lead & FCY

Care Pathways at Grace

Much of the care at Grace Community Church will occur firstly organically and secondly through homegroups.

But sometimes members feel they need additional support, perhaps with a specific pastoral area or because what they’re experiencing is more challenging than the normal range of issues. 

When members feel they need additional support the Care Team Leads will seek to connect them with other Care Team members who have personal experience of similar issues.

In order to connect members of the Care Team with members of the church, members will approach one of the team leaders (Jon Putt, Liz (Biddy) Bartlett and Julia Bailey-Paul) who will spend some time with them listening to understand better. They will then triage to an appropriate member of the team. 

How can we support you?

Supporting you at Grace

  • If you're currently struggling financially please get in touch with Neil Gillies, our deacon responsible for finances. We have some limited funds each year which can be used in some cases to help people. In other cases, we can explore helping members with money management, or debt recovery via our partnership with Christians Against Poverty.

  • For particular spiritual or biblical questions or struggles, do get in touch with Jon Putt, our lead elder for pastoral care, or Julia Bailey-Paul, our women's worker.

  • Ensuring appropriate measures are in place and action is taken to keep everyone safe at our church. For more information visit:

  • If you're planning on getting married, or would like to spend some time enriching your marriage we use resources provided by Care for the Family to help couples think this through. Please get in touch with Jon to find out more.

  • Supporting anyone at Grace with additional educational needs or disabilities.

If you would like additional support with anything, please do get in touch with Jon, Liz(Biddy) or Julia. In addition, we have these particular areas of support that may be helpful: