Sermon Series Archive:

Fields of Hope

Four evenings looking at people God has used in remarkable ways across the globe, over the last couple of hundred years. A chance to lift our eyes up and out at what God has done (and is doing) across the globe.

Recommended resources for this series


Elisabeth Elliot Do the Next Thing: Although Elisabeth Elliot is possibly best known for her story of grief and the surname of her first husband, she has been a remarkable woman in many ways. From persevering after the untimely and tragic death of her husband to become a notable writer and public speaker, Elisabeth Elliot is a true testament to the strength to be found in God.
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Through Gates of Splendour: Elisabeth Elliot records here the story of five courageous young men savagely martyred by Auca Indians in the jungles of Ecuador as they attempted to reach them with the Word of God.

The challenge of their expendability for God continues as strong today as it was at the time of their deaths in 1956.
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The Shadow of The Almighty: Inspiring life of the missionary Jim Elliot, who was murdered in Ecuador age 29. An earthly man with a heavenly mind. Jim Elliot was a man of passion and a man of prayer.

Full of journal excerpts and personal letters, we are introduced to this great man, his struggles, his ambitions, his loves, his dreams and his all–consuming passion for Christ and His kingdom.
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Jim Elliot: He Is No Fool: Jim Elliot had a loving wife, a beautiful little girl, and a reason for real joy. God had called him to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to the Auca Indians. He and four other young men died in the middle of doing God’s work. But Jim had realised for quite some time that there is nothing that is worth more than Jesus – not even your life. ‘He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.’ Get the book


Adoniram Judson, Devoted for Life: America’s first foreign missionary, Adoniram Judson, a precocious young man who aspired to gain exceptional worldly fame. But following a crisis of faith and a stunning turn of events that exposed the vanity of mere temporal pursuits, he went on to dedicate his life to missionary service. With unshakable faith in God and His Word, Judson persevered through staggering difficulties and used by God to establish healthy Christian congregations throughout Burma. Get the book


C. T. Studd, Cricketer and Pioneer: Nurtured in the lap of comfort, educated at Eton and Cambridge, the hero of the British sport-loving public, C.T. Studd, created a stir in the secular world of his youth by renouncing wealth and position to follow Christ. The illness of a brother brought him face to face with realities and the transitory nature of worldly riches and fame. He obeyed the divine command, "Go thy way, sell that thou hast and give to the poor . . . take up thy cross and follow me", His life was dedicated to the service of God and his fellow men, and the story of his labours and adventures makes an epic of faith and courage against great odds that will be an inspiration. His life will be an eternal rebuke to easy-going Christianity.
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Adoniram Judson; Danger On The Streets: Even when Adoniram abandoned his belief in God and travelled far from his loving family, God had plans to bring him home and then send him to the other side of te world – to Burma. He was to become America’s first overseas missionary – a story brimful of romance, intrigue and some dangerous pirates.
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C.T. Studd: Gifted Athlete and Pioneering Missionary (DVD): Filmed on location in England and China, this docudrama explores Studd's extraordinary life and teaching through expert interviews and engaging re-enactment scenes. Get the DVD

Ann Judson, A Missionary Life for Burma: If you’re going through trials or suffering you need to read this book and find out that trials are always for a purpose — rightly understood they glorify God and build us up in the faith. Sharon James uses the sources carefully to bring Ann (and Adoniram) Judson’s piety and hard work for the Lord to our attention, not to venerate them but to challenge us to deeper commitment and service to the Lord.
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Amy Carmichael; Rescuer By Night: ‘I can’t see! It’s dark everywhere. What place is this? Where am I?’ Jeya was only four years old and was terrified as she tried to peer about the dark and gloomy temple. Between the pillars was a huge stone body. She shivered when she saw its face. This, she knew, was Kali, the goddess of death and destruction. Why was Jeya there? Who would leave a little girl in the dark like that? Certainly not the God of love – he sent a woman to rescue these children from destruction – Amy Carmichael.

And she had been a little girl herself once a little girl with long dark hair, and deep brown eyes. Once she had even begged God to make them blue – but he hadn’t. And as Amy leaned over to pick little Jeya up and rescue her from a life of temple–slavery – she was very glad that God hadn’t listened to her prayers.

Blue eyes were not the eyes of India – but Amy’s brown eyes were. Get the book

C.T. Studd (Christian Heroes: Then & Now): Endowed with rare determination and a wry sense of humor, C.T. Studd unceasingly pursued a life devoted to God. A star English cricket player in his youth, C.T. did nothing halfway. When challenged by near tragedy and the words of an atheist, the wealthy young man became a missionary of extreme devotion.

Serving in China, India, and finally Central Africa, C.T. Studd was the first missionary to reach numerous tribes deep in the Congo. Together with the mission he founded, Worldwide Evangelization Crusade, this man who refused to retreat opened a way for Africans to hear the gospel for years to come. Get the book


A Chance to Die: The life and legacy of Amy Carmichael: A vibrant portrayal of the Irish missionary and writer who spent fifty–three years in south India without furlough. There she became known as 'Amma', or 'mother', as she founded the Dohnavur Fellowship, a refuge for underprivileged children.

Amy’s life of obedience and courage stands as a model for all who claim the name of Christ. She was a woman with desires and dreams, faults and fears, who gave her life unconditionally to serve her Master.  Get the book

 …and for the children /youth:

Online 30m films for Children

The Jim Elliot Story (Torchlighters 30m)

Adonirum & Ann Judson (Torchlighters, 30m)

Amy Carmichael (Torchlighters 30m)

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