Real Lives
Welcome to ‘Real Lives’ a series of interviews with people who have interesting stories to tell about their faith.
Watch the series here
Yolanda interviews Jeremy Marshall, a Christian with a background in banking and finance who has been living with terminal cancer for a number of years now. Jeremy speaks of what it's like to live with a cancer diagnosis, where joy and hope can be found, and the tremendous good that generosity can do in the lives of others.
You can find one of his books here: https://www.10ofthose.com/uk/products/25500/beyond-the-big-c
Simoninter interviews Baroness Cox. Caroline Cox is a Christian who has moved from the lecture theatre to the House of Lords, and into some of the most troubled areas in the world. In the interview she'll be speaking about her experiences, how trusting Jesus has changed her life, and the hope he can bring into all kinds of situations to all kinds of people.
For those interested in how we can pray for and support the church in Beirut in the light of the recent tragedy there, do look here: www.mebo.org/helpbeirut
Ray interviews Graham Daniels. Graham played for Cambridge United where he is now a director. He is also the director of Christians in Sport which exists to reach the world of sport for Christ. Among other things, he'll be speaking about the security and love Jesus offers which liberates us from relying on our performance in life to determine our identity, value, and purpose.
Jon interviews Rebecca McLaughlin. Rebecca is a Brit in exile, her marriage to an Oklahoman taking her to the United States. Recently she wrote a book, 'Confronting Christianity', which examines some of the toughest questions people ask of Christianity. In this edited interview, she talks of the journey that led her to write the book, shares some of her experience in sharing the good news of Jesus, and challenges the idea that Christianity is intellectually or morally inferior to the opposing secular worldview.
The interview is edited as we didn't have time to include everything in our broadcast tonight. The full interview can be found here
Her book can be found here