Sermon Series Archive:
The Servant King
Studies in Mark
Mark’s account of the life of Jesus shows us the one who came not to be served but to serve in giving his life as a ransom for many. As we look at some of the central chapters in Mark’s gospel we see with increasing clarity not just who Jesus is, but why he came.
Recommended resources for this series
The Good Book Guide to Mark 9–16 - The Servant King: This Good Book Guide by Tim Chester will help you to know and understand Jesus, just as Mark knew Him—nothing that people expected, but more than any of us could hope for. Seven studies for individuals or groups. Get the book
Mark Devotion & Journal 2 Pack:
This pack contains:
Mark: The Suffering Servant [Undated Devotion]
Mark - NIV Scripture Journal Get these books
Dig Deeper into the Gospels - Coming Face to Face with Jesus in Mark: The conviction of the Dig Deeper books is that God wants us to work hard at reading the Bible in order to discover its true meaning, hence the use of ‘tools’ to dig and dig again. It’s an interactive process. Indeed, the authors, Andrew Sach and Tim Hiorns, want to make finding Bible treasure a possibility for everyone. And we do this with receptive hearts, listening to what the Holy Spirit is saying. Get the book
Watch The Bible Project’s Overview of Mark:
…and for the children /youth:
Best News Ever - Your 100-day guide to the Gospel of Mark. Devotions on Mark for 9-13s. Get the book
The Gospel of Mark: Word For Word Bible Comic: The Gospel of Mark is a 180 page graphic novel from the series: The Word for Word Bible Comic. For ages 12+. Get the book